The challenge with our client’s home was the roof design was very unique, a concrete roof covered with pebble stones. Our Accredited CEC installer team had to carefully remove the pebble stones until they could reach the concrete roof in order to mount the 20 x Trina 300W panels in a tidy way using concrete screws that are water proof and then mounting the rails. Powered by a Sun-grow 5000 our client is able to generate solar power during the day that will power many of the home’s modern electrical facilities for daily use. Solar systems for home installed by Space Solar.
System Size: 6KW
Panels: Trina 300W x 20
Inverters: SUNGROW 5000
Install 10 March 2018
Can we meet the growing demand for electricity & protecting our climate?
- Reliability and performance
- Just-in-time manufacturing
- Solar material financing
How Your Solar Works?
Did you know one hour of consistent Sun energy is enough for 1-year power supply? Here’s how you can take
control of your Sun power with Space Solar Powerpack:
control of your Sun power with Space Solar Powerpack: