Space Solar Blog

Many individuals who are unfamiliar with solar energy are perplexed by feed-in tariffs and where the true advantages of solar electricity lie. …

Every year, the cost of getting solar installed increases due to the reduced rebate. So what is the rebate? Am I eligible for it? Who gets to keep the rebate? How much is it worth, and why does it get reduced? Let’s explore these common questions below.

Space Solar are happy to announce our Spring Sale! Featuring the brand new JA Solar Panels with full 25 Year Product and …

A large number of Australians who have already started using residential solar installation have been reaping the benefits of green energy for …

Solar panels have become more popular as the globe tries to minimise their energy use and lower their carbon impact. Solar power …

Are you planning to install a solar system in your home to make it more eco-sustainable? Congratulations! That’s the wisest choice you …

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How Can Solar Power Reduce Your Electric Bill?

Many individuals who are unfamiliar with solar energy are perplexed by feed-in tariffs and where the true advantages of solar electricity lie. So let’s discuss how solar energy can reduce…
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Space Solar Rebate Guide – 2023 Edition

Every year, the cost of getting solar installed increases due to the reduced rebate. So what is the rebate? Am I eligible for it? Who gets to keep the rebate?…
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Space Solar Spring Sale – Limited Time Offer!

Space Solar are happy to announce our Spring Sale! Featuring the brand new JA Solar Panels with full 25 Year Product and Performance Warranty with the high performing SAJ Solar…
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How to Know When You Should Upgrade your Solar Energy System

A large number of Australians who have already started using residential solar installation have been reaping the benefits of green energy for years and have in turn saved thousands of…
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Life Expectancy Of Solar Panels In Australia!

Solar panels have become more popular as the globe tries to minimise their energy use and lower their carbon impact. Solar power for homes offers a reliable, clean energy source…
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4 Common Solar Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Solar Panels

Are you planning to install a solar system in your home to make it more eco-sustainable? Congratulations! That’s the wisest choice you can make for your house, the environment, and…
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